How Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Security Patrol Team

22 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The success or failure of your business sometimes depends on the little things that you ignore. Security is one of the things that a lot of employers take for granted, especially when the premises are located in places with no obvious security threats. However, sometimes, the one thing that customers and clients need to feel safe in your building is a uniformed guard.  If you work in the restaurant, retail, and other service delivery sectors, customers want to know that in case of an emergency, they can find a security guard to help them recover what they have lost or protected them from threats. Read More 

You May Have a CCTV Camera System in Place, but Is It Up to the Job?

7 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

It might just be an unfortunate fact of life, but nevertheless, any business that has a real-world facility will need strong security backup. Typically, this will mean CCTV camera coverage, and you need to install this correctly and configure it to protect in every situation. Yet while many business owners will take the initial steps, they may not follow up and may not know if the system is truly functional. So, if you want to provide the best deterrent and gather as much evidence as you can in the event of an incident, what do you need to focus on? Read More